By robin
21 May 2021

So you think you’re a packaging Expert?

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Is Packaging Jargon Helpful?
Is packaging jargon helpful

Jargon in Packaging, is it helpful or a hindrance?

While one company’s ATE is another’s OTE, and some people talk in GSM while others in Pounds, whether graycol or fogra, ecma or fefco, ultimately Jargon only helps to standardise when it’s used consistently.

the wonders of packaging terminology
packaging jargon crash lock base carton
packaging jargon tuck top self locking base carton
packaging jargon aero tuck end carton
packaging jargon want to learn more?
packaging jargon box carton
packaging jargon opposite tuck end carton
packaging jargon press tuck in end carton
packaging jargon can you tell the difference?
packaging jargon reverse tuck end carton
Packaging Jargon tuck top auto bottom carton
packaging communication is important

In Packaging, Communication is Important

But that’s the rub… having worked with and for a number of companies over the years, it always surprises me how often terms are misunderstood, and incorrectly used.

And even more surprisingly; how often companies espouse a specific format or code of technical language when the only people who subscribe to that language is themselves.

Technical terms are important, and standardisation can help to manage consistency and clarity, but my belief is that when speaking to teams and clients who are less familiar with the terms, we should embrace good communication and tailor our language for the audience.

Great communication should be concise and easy to understand. And what is packaging for if not to communicate and deliver a message?

So does it matter whether or not we use jargon in packaging?

Packaging along with the whole print industry is both fast moving and technology heavy. In order to ensure that we’re constantly innovating, we shouldn’t get bogged down too much with the minutiae of terminology.

Just because somethings always been done a certain way, doesn’t mean it’s the best way. We should, however, be mindful not to throw out hundreds of years of experience just for the sake of innovation.

My general conclusion, is that jargon only helps an industry, and not its consumers. We should therefore use it sparingly and to maintain quality within internal systems.

We’re way past the age of limited characters and hand written forms, so we should be able to explain in clear terms what it is we’re producing.

Don’t let jargon be your barrier to entry.

If you have a packaging problem, or just need someone to help decipher a brief or packaging specification; we’re just a phone call away.

Bogged down with jargon, and just need someone to help?

If so, please get in touch